Saturday 5 September 2015

Arriving in Watford.

Its been almost 5 days since I arrived in Watford to begin a new quest in mastering the art of creative advertising under the guidance of Tony.

I start my first day at ad school this Monday, and tonight I will see most of my new classmates and potential creative partners.

Exciting times, but also worrying, I had a reality check last night, I was taking this too easy, really I should be prepping, demonstrating to Tony I am prepared and serious about succeeding in this career.

So today I will produce a book in a day, using the praised methods of OMB (One Minute Briefs) I have came so used to, with my chosen weapons, marker and layout pad in hand, I have written down the 8 brands to advertise last night, time to shoot them out.

Anyhow so far life in Watford it has been smooth, explains why I was too relaxed, melting in my new flat, drooling over how wonderful it was, and as soon as I fitted in my apple tv as the finishing touch, I fell into a trance.

Not explored Watford much tho, been so stuck in my daily routine of OMB, however I did visit my good creative friend Ant at a proper traditional pub in Euston, only 16 minutes away direct from Watford, yes I was living the dream!

Me and Ant talked in depth on the growing problems in advertising, mostly concerning the trending, and the illusion of award annuals, the fact creatives try and appeal to creatives, completely forgetting what its all for, the consumers.

Its when my brain began to go into overdrive about finally coining a creative philosophy for my future business plans of setting up old school advertising agency, bringing back the heydays of advertising in the 70s and 80s.

Where the height of success was for your work to be woven in culture, becoming the everyday language of the people, such examples can be traced today with SIMPLES, you know straight away where this is from, or go further back to the GOT MILK?, a slogan overdone to death in culture.

This is the height of success, I was so blinded by Cannes, that I didn't realise it, I would have to thank John Webster, the great human ad man for opening my eyes.

So my future agency's creative philosophy is this:


Simply four words, that are used throughout history mostly in terms of the far left, will be staged what its really for.

I started to visualise a identity done in a sort of constructivism art approach, used through the forming of soviet Russia, taking reference also to rising ad agency Lucky Generals, with their medal star logo, nice touch.

Obviously it won't embrace the political ideal that everyone should be the same, just the swap of awards shows for people, pretty much overthrowing juries, and refusing to enter in a similar stance like KesselsKramer.

Another inspirational reference with this music video.

There will also be a uniform in the form of a soviet Russia jacket, with the logo of the agency placed on the shoulder arm of the jacket.

Yes I was planning it all out, our base of operations would be a old traditional pub, turned into a agency, a public house is fitting for a industry built in getting into the mind of the public.

Might start drawing up the identity, anyhow I am straying away once again from the point of the post.

The following day I showed off my flat to my girlfriend, telling her what luck I had outside of university, its just a matter of keeping it clean, paying the rent in time, the little things, I hate to be in the same position I was in when I was living in Germany, being nearly evicted twice, just need to keep it all cool with the landlord I have not even met yet...

That night I went out for drinks with a fellow Watford classmate, and discussed again in-depth on advertising, this time on the ageing debate on quantity vs quality, which we concluded that quality is in quantity, I follow the 1-10 rule.

This is of course in deference of my habit of submitting over 20 scamps of ideas on OMB, giving me the nickname of Luke Scampwalker.

This opens me up to critics that are not helpful on how to improve but just stating what is wrong, it usually ends with me challenging them; enough talking more doing.

However criticism is welcomed, only constructive in offering how to improve the idea, and I expect a lot at Watford, you should not ask what you think, but instead ask what is wrong with your idea. 

After intensive talking it followed with humorous out of the box topics that I will not mention on this blog, but lets just say its nice to find someone who shares a similar humour to you, a likeable personality that you can be yourself with.

On Thursday I helped another fellow Watford classmate move in, I wanted to be as helpful as possible, closer ties with my classmates so we are stronger as a year together, making us a far more attractive recruits to top agencies, but also friends for life in this harsh industry.

I then retreated to my flat, and drew ideas for bricklayers on OMB, yes I am a right addict!

The evening came and I met up with more fellow Watford, yes I wanted to meet them all before the course begins, add more comfort to the harsh reality of the first day of Watford ad school, I can see it being like the beginning of Saving Private Ryan, with Tony behind the machine gun.

Or even the first day at school with that fantastic movie Whiplash, which I have used for the banner of our group page, a nice reference to what we have gotten ourselves into, but also inspiring to thrive through the pain to greatness.

I just wish I didn't say the wrong things when getting ahead of myself in excitement, I need to be careful what I say in assessing potential creative partners, hate to make enemies right before the start of the course! 

So tonight will hopefully be the big night where most of the class will show up, and we will all get chatting and become one big family, being the big kid with no common sense, I will most likely end up being the hyper toddler.

Thanks for reading!

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