Tuesday 14 July 2015

D&AD New Blood 2015 (Part 1)

Long time no seek.

I have not been able to update this blog with news in a while with my hands tired over in London.

Anyhow now that I am typing away, I better get into the flow and update you on my experiences at D&AD New Blood 2015!

I arrived fairly early at the Old Spitalfields Market, just in time to help set up our stand, representing my pervious home Loughborough University.

Oh the memories, I had nothing really to show, besides my witty business card scamps, oh and my videos on the show reel..

Ok there was a few things, but to be honest I was not fussed because I had already sealed a place to my dream destination Watford, which I know will open me up to many opportunities with top advertising agencies in London.

Also I feel at the moment that I am not prepared, or trained enough to the best possible level to deal with the industry, and I will explain why soon in part 2 of this entry.

In other words I think most of my work is shit at the moment, but I am confident Tony will help me change that.

Anyway after finishing the stand, me and a group of friends went off to get the keys for our flats in Canary Wharf, but soon we faced a dilemma...

we got trapped in a lift.

I am not going to bullshit this but I actually thought there and then that my time was up, that I was actually going to die in this lift due to a lack of oxygen.

There was like 100 of us, I mean 10 in this lift, and that was our mistake, the lift can only hold 8, what were we thinking!

One friend was freaking out in the corner due to being claustrophobic, others making jokes on death, one trying to hold his fart in, and finally one friend so calm it was like nothing had happened, well he is always like this, Mr Poker Face, not giving away names.

So many emotions running high in such a small space, but it brought us all closer together when we cheated death.

The alarm was set off, we forced the doors open for air, thank god, and screamed for help.

We were only there for 15 minutes before we were rescued, but it felt like a hour.

After all this we settled into our rooms, for now on I will always read the instructions in a lift before pressing any buttons.

With that close death experience we made a social media thing out of it, with Snapchat stories, and a WhatsApp group titled 'Do you even lift?', this is how our generation expresses itself.

Then down to drinking, the only other option for not getting invited to the industry night of New Blood, those lucky fucks.

The drinking soon lead me to hanging outside a pub 'The Ten Bells' just by the Old Spitalfields Market, where I met up with my fellow creatives on One Minute Briefs, and the cofounder Nick.

Showing off my skills with OMB there and then, with my business cards specially designed for such a challenge.

I think it was selfie sticks I had to advertise, and my answer 'Get a birds eye view!' BOOM!

There was a lot of bromance when I finally met up with my good friend Nick Cross, who I met on my international studies in Germany, a D&AD yellow pencil winner for the WWF brief I might add, which means he had a gigantic head.

So do I, so it was Clash of the Big Headed Twats, but fairs dues to him he is on his way of becoming one of the top graphic designers in London which equals the UK, a fellow midlander like myself.

Ok stop with the arse kissing, by the end of the night it was only me and One Minute Briefs guy Nick, the rest where a bunch of light weights (I am expecting replies on the post from this).

Me and manc friend Nick with pints in hand discussed deeply about One Minute Briefs, and the advertising industry in general.

Jokes about fighting rival agencies in the name of OMB, like something written from Gangs of New York, talking about how energetic we where with our ideas, and how a lot of creatives were lazy nowadays.

Oh yes folks we kissed our own arses that night, me more so as Nick enjoyed his chips.

To be continued..

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